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Some fantastic dogs are on this list, whether the sleek German Pinscher, the speedy greyhound, or the massive Great Dane.

The dogs listed below are breeds that the American Kennel Club has recognized.


German Longhaired Pointer

German Longhaired Pointer

A firm and slightly wavy coat first and foremost define the German Longhaired Pointer. The dog’s undercoat is thick and well-developed, keeping it protected and warm.

As the name suggests, the German Longhaired Pointer grows long hair, especially around the belly, ears, and back of the legs. They are a dog whose love for open space is incomparable and would thrive best in rural areas.

The breed is also prone to boredom if left unattended and unsuitable for extended periods. German longhaired pointers’ feet are webbed, making them good swimmers.

The German Longhaired Pointer can weigh 66 pounds while standing up to 28 inches.

German Pinscher

German Pinscher

The German Pinscher has some remarkable characteristics. This dog is handsome, with a cylindrical body covered by smooth fur. Their fur is also shiny and appears oily, especially if put against the sunrise sun.

Their lower part, which is found below their belly, is almost hairless. Their muscular legs show resilience while carrying the body 20 inches above the ground. The dog can weigh 45 pounds when fully grown.

The ears of the German Pinscher almost look as if they are slightly floating in tenderness over its sides. German Pinschers are very agile dogs.

Their solid front limbs are well built for a sudden forward drive, while their back legs offer powerful propulsion from the back, especially while chasing after prey. The German Pinscher is loyal, playful, and adventurous.

German Shepherd

German Shepherd

The German Shepherd is also known as the Alsatian. They can be as heavy as 95 pounds and can stand 26 inches tall. When excited, this dog is very playful and loving but can also be fierce if appropriately trained.

The German Shepherd has impressive strength and excellent agility. The German Shepherd is known worldwide to be a huge dog. This dog is very protective of his friends and exceedingly competent.

They take and learn commands quicker than most other dogs on these lists. Their ability to quickly understand and the train has led law enforcement agencies to adopt them for security purposes.

Used by the Police in many countries to track down criminals, the dog is speedy. The dog can also be among the fiercest and will attack any enemy approaching its family without hesitation. They are also mighty and can climb over structures.

German shepherds can bark very loudly. To ensure they do not bark too much, ensure they are not bored or hungry. 

German Shorthaired Pointer

German Shorthaired Pointer

The German shorthaired pointer is a hunting and sporting dog with lots of power and energy. They have assumed sporting duties more than hunting ones in modern times. This dog can fare well on dry land but is also a good swimmer.

The dog also has strong legs that carry up to 70 pounds. The German shorthaired pointer can stand 21 inches tall. This dog has a short flat coat that is water-resistant and is complemented by a thick undercoat full of warmth.

Their coat comes in red or white, spotted in another color. They have broad ears, which emerge from a chisel-liked head with a big nose. The German shorthaired pointer has a large energy requirement and needs plenty of food.

This dog also needs lots of exercises to use their energy. The breed is friendly and affectionate to family and kids and makes a great addition to the family.

German Wirehaired Pointer

German Wirehaired Pointer

The German wirehaired pointer, also known as the Deutsch Drahthaar, is a crossbreed from various breeds. They are full of some of the best characteristics of multiple species. They have well-built muscular bodies.

The name comes from the wire-like coat that covers it and is also weather resistant. The breed can do well in both water and on land.

They have long tails and webbed feet to help them in the water. They stand at about 26 inches and weigh up to 70 pounds.

The head is moderately long, with ears that fall weakly over its sides. This dog is also energetic and requires regular exercise.

German Spitz

German Spitz

The German Spitz has a unique elegance that is not easy to explain. This attentive, watchful, and caring dog is full of positivity. They have dark rounded eyes, complemented by short erect ears near their forehead.

The German Spitz is a dog that is not very friendly to strangers and can do well as a guard dog. The gorgeous dense coat that covers the German Spitz is beautiful in its markings.

Their coats commonly come in tan, black, white, and golden colors. Brushing the skin is needed, as they shed it twice a year.

The German Spitz has a fox-like nose that protrudes from the face. The German Spitz can weigh up to 26 pounds and stand up to 15 inches tall.

Giant Schnauzer

Giant Schnauzer

The giant schnauzer is a working dog originally from Germany. This dog is covered in a dense, coarse coat that protects them from the cold.

The coat generally comes in black and salt and pepper colors. Their love for exercise means they need plenty of exercise. The schnauzer is also incredibly strong and can easily pull people off their feet, so it may not be the best dog for small people and children.

Giant schnauzers are large dogs and can stand 28 inches on their strong feet. It can reach 80 pounds if well-fed, giving the body a prominent square shape.

The giant schnauzer can bark a lot when on guard duty and turn aggressive. Grooming is a must since this dog can easily carry dust and other particles in its wiry coat.

Glen of Imaal Terrier

Glen of Imaal Terrier

The Glen of Imaal is an Irish terrier breed initially bred for hunting. The extensive body is supported on short legs at 14 inches.

A fully grown Glen of Imaal can weigh 36 pounds. The head is large and comes with rose-like ears that seem to be always attentive. This dog also has a wiry double coat that keeps it insulated in the cold.

The Glen is a survivor in cold environments, where most other dogs would not function properly. The coat comes in a bluish wheat color or sometimes a tan jacket.

They are faced with heart conditions, so medical checkups are needed. Being almost silent dogs, they are less demanding and less outgoing. 

Golden Retriever

Golden Retriever

The golden retriever falls into the category of gun dogs. Their love for water is unmatched, as they were bred to retrieve shot waterfowl.

Their long and dense coat is an excellent insulator while in water. The coat also repels water molecules. The body of the golden retriever is raised to 24 inches and can weigh up to 30 kilograms.

The coat mainly occurs in golden colors that look beautiful. The breed prefers to live in country areas, where they can interact with nature.

Grooming is an aspect to consider when considering a golden retriever, as they shed lots of hair.

This dog is a confident but kind dog who knows the importance of family and friendship. Treat them well, and they will not leave your side.

Gordon Setter

Gordon Setter

The Gordon setter falls under two categories: hunting dogs and sporting dogs. Their prowess in the hunting of birds was unmatched during the early days. This dog is brilliant and will not rush to decide before employing its wisdom.

Gordon setters in a black coat may also have chest markings of other colors. Their skin can exist in tan or red paint on some occasions. The skin is soft, straight, and long, with a feathery look around the belly, ears, legs, and tail.

The Gordon setters are relatively huge, for they can weigh 80 pounds while standing 27 inches above the ground. This dog has excellent resilience to overcome any simple training that may be granted to them. 

This dog is brilliant and will not rush to decide before employing its wisdom. Gordon setters in a black coat may also have chest markings of other colors. Their skin can exist in tan or red paint on some occasions. The skin is soft, straight, and long, with a feathery look around the belly, ears, legs, and tail.

The Gordon setters are relatively huge, for they can weigh 80 pounds while standing 27 inches above the ground. This dog has excellent resilience to overcome any simple training that may be granted to them. 

Grand Basset Griffon Vendéen

Grand Basset Griffon Vendéen

The Grand Basset Griffon Vendéen, commonly known by the initials GBGV, will stand out when its characteristics are compared with those of other dogs.

This dog is a scent hound whose origin is in France. Its traits are not unique but are adorable. This happy and intelligent dog hates being idle and occupied by an activity it loves.

The coat appears fuzzy but still has elegance to it. This dog is relatively short and would thus do well as a pet in a small home. Thanks to its great affection, the dog is friendly to kids and the entire family.

Its ears are long, with lots of hairs that seem to emerge from them. The Grand Basset Griffon Vendéen likes being neat, so it requires grooming. The Grand Basset Griffon Vendéen can reach weights of 45 pounds, with a height of 18 inches.

Great Dane

Great Dane

The Great Dane is one of the giant dogs on the list. The Great Dane is an excellent working dog but also a great pet.

This German dog has been domesticated for quite some time. This dog is among the tallest in the world and can stand at about 45 inches on its long legs. Their bodies are more significant and can reach 200 pounds.

The Great Dane can be described to be a combination of strength, agility, and elegance.

They have a smooth coat that shows the muscular frame underneath. Its skin appears in the black, mantle, blue, fawn, and Harlequin colors. The ears are usually triangular shaped and radiate lots of alertness. 

Great Pyrenees

Great Pyrenees

The Great Pyrenees is also known as the Pyrenean mountain dog named Pyr. Its origin leads to the border of France and Spain.

The coat is attractive and will steal your heart. The skin is a thick, dense coat that keeps the dog insulated in the cold. The thighs, tail, and back of the legs are covered in feathering.

Dogs tend to have a mane, while bitches lack the feathering around the head and neck. Their role as guard dogs should also not be underrated either.

In the early days, these dogs were known to help Shepherds in their daily herding activities, ensuring security in the field. The Great Pyrenees is also energetic, friendly, affectionate, and compassionate with strangers.

The Great Pyrenees does need regular medical checkups, though. The great Pyrenees stands at 32 inches and can weigh up to 160 pounds.

Greater Swiss Mountain Dog

Greater Swiss Mountain Dog

The Greater Swiss mountain dog is sometimes called a Swissy. They are working dogs who can stand at 29 inches and weigh up to 140 pounds.

This dog is strong, intelligent, handsome, and affectionate. This dog does not stop unleashing his loud bark when on duty. They have a coat, which is a short double coat colored in black, tan, and rust.

They make excellent guard dogs, in part due to their vast size. Confining him in a small apartment would not be appropriate, so a large house and yard are necessary. Fill this dog with happiness by giving him a home with big open fields.

The Swissy is also very territorial. They can chase away other dogs they might be jealous of in the homestead.

If you have other pets, they may not be your dog. The dog is, however, friendly and affectionate to its owners, with whom it gives maximum respect.



The greyhound is a speedy runner. Their body is well adapted for motion and is complemented by long, muscular legs that aid them in achieving flying speeds.

This dog’s intelligence is one of the aspects that make this dog very much trainable. The dog also loves exercise, whether in cold or sunny environments.

The drive to play, chase, and run during physical exercises, especially outside, is notable. The greyhound weighs up to 85 pounds while standing at heights of 30 inches.

They have beautiful coat that covers their bodies. The skin is usually thin and may require extra clothing for insulation during winter.