- The polar bears are native to the Arctic Circle, which encompasses the Arctic Ocean, its surrounding seas, and landmasses.
- The polar being is significant in size, the same as the Kodiak bear.
- An adult male polar bear weighs around 350-700 kg (772-1543 lb), while a female weighs half the size.
- The polar bear’s scientific name is Ursus Maritimus. This term means “maritime bear.”
- The polar bear has both land and water adaptations, which creates a big gap between them and other bear species.
- The polar bear is a long-distance swimmer.
- The habitat of a polar bear is harsh. They live in cold areas occupied by ice and snow.
- More than 40% of polar bears live in Canada.
- Approximately 5,000 polar bears live in the northern territories of Canada.
- For 101 facts on moose, click here.
- The main threat to polar bears in North America is hunting by humans.
- Polar bears are born on land but spend most of their lives in the water.
- The polar bear hunts for its preferred food of seals from the edge of sea ice. They often live off fat reserves when no sea ice is available.
- Out of the dependence on sea ice, polar bears are classified as marine mammals.
- As a result of climate change, the polar bear is a vulnerable species.
- To the circumpolar people, the polar bear has been a critical figure in the material, spiritual, and cultural life.
- Polar bears are survival experts, finding fascinating ways to overcome the challenges of nature time after time.
- Polar bears have evolved to withstand freezing temperatures. They have compact bodies, short legs, short tails, and short ears.
- For 101 facts on narwhals, click here.
- Polar bears are much larger than their relative species. This is because the more significant the animal, the more heat they hold. Therefore they can adapt to these low-temperature regions of the world.
- In summer, the polar bear shed off their thick coats and then grow them again when winter is near.
- Polar bears have an extra layer under their skin composed of fat and blubber. This layer provides them with heat and energy.
- Polar bears live in dens or burrows to conserve warmth, despite these dens being made of snow. The holes are warmer inside there than out in the open.
- The dens also serve the purpose of protection from strong winds.
- For 101 facts on armadillos, click here.
- The polar bear protects its young ones by putting them in the middle of the den. The other adult bears surround them to provide warmth.
- Some polar bears can control their blood flow, which helps keep warm blood flow to the most important organs like the brain, lungs, and heart.
- The polar bear hibernates when the temperature hits freezing. This helps to preserve both body heat and energy. Those polar bears that do not hibernate migrate to warmer areas.
- Food is scarce in the polar regions where polar bears live. Polar bears need to be competent at finding food.
- Polar bears need a lot of food and are excellent hunters. They can smell small mammals in their caves and plants growing under the snow.
- The polar bear can swim in water for a long time in search of fish as this is their primary food source.
- For 101 facts on bighorn sheep, click here.
- Polar bears stash food when it is abundant. Doing this gives them something to eat when food is later scarce. Polar bears also eat as much as they can to fatten themselves up. They use this attained body fat through the coming winter.
- Polar bears limit their activities to keep the energy they have for the future.
- Polar bears are white, and this assists them in keeping their temperature stable.
- Polar bears can camouflage from white during winter to darker colors during summer. This allows them to absorb the available sunlight and hide against the soil.
- Their feet and well suited to walking in the snow. Their feet have fur, which assists them in not feeling cold, and their toes are designed so that their skin does not come into contact with the snow or slip over on the ice.
- Polar bears also exhibit excellent vision. They can see well above and under the water. They can see even during low light.
- Polar bears do not drink water as they acquire enough water from the foods they take. Birds have salt glands, preventing polar bears from ingesting too much salt from the seawater they drink while eating.
- The female polar bear gives birth to many young ones. However, few make it to their first year due to harsh climates.
- For 101 facts on grizzly bears, click here.
- The proposal to drill oil and gas at the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge coastal plain endangers the future of the polar bear’s existence in that area.
- North America is part of the International Agreement on the conservation of polar bears, which mandates cooperation on research and conservation efforts throughout the bear range.
- Modern methods of tracking polar bears’ populations were implemented in the 1980s but are costly to carry out over large areas.
- The polar bear can swim long distances as it has powerful, large limbs and feet, which allow it to cover many miles.
- The polar bear has 42 teeth to aid its highly carnivorous diet.
- Like the brown bear, the polar bear has an elongated body but a longer skull and nose.
- The keen sense of smell in polar bears makes them able to detect seals nearly 1.6 km away and buried under 1 meter of snow.
- A polar bear has been known to swim for nine days in the Bering Sea for 700 km to reach ice far from land.
- A polar bear swims at 10mk/h. When walking, they tend to have a lumbering gait and maintain an average speed of around 5.6km/h. When sprinting, they can reach up to 40 km/h.
- Polar bears are stereotyped as aggressive, yet they choose to escape more than fight. It is rare for a polar bear to attack humans except when severally provoked. Despite this, a hungry bear is unpredictable and fearless toward people.
- For 101 facts on blue whales, click here.
- The polar bear courtship and mating occur on the sea ice in April and May. This time, polar bears congregate in the best seal-hunting areas.
- Polar bear meat is not suitable for human consumption as it has some risks, such as trichinosis.
- A pregnant female eats enormous amounts of food and gains at least 200 kgs.
- When giving birth nears, the female bear digs a maternity den consisting of a narrow entrance tunnel that leads to three chambers.
- Sexual maturity in a female polar bear starts at four and five years old. In a male polar bear, sexual maturity begins at six years of age.
- Polar bears rarely live for more than 25 years. The oldest wild polar bear recorded lived 32 years, while the oldest bear in captivity was a female and died aged 43.
- For 101 facts on jaguars, click here.
- In Canada, polar bears are not endangered or listed among the unique concern mammals. Polar bears in Canada are particularly concerned due to their sensitivity to harvest and habitat loss of the Arctic sea ice.
- The only danger to the existence of polar bears is climate change.
- Polar bears have been found as far as 124 miles inland. Most polar bears stick to the coast for easy access to the sea ice where they are most comfortable·
- Polar bears crack through sea ice while searching for seals, making them come out quickly. It also leads to other sea animals, which polar bears will feed on.
- Polar bears travel throughout the year according to their ranges. This can vary between 50,000 square miles and 135,000 miles.
- Polar bears travel depending on the prevalence of sea ice and the size of adjacent land masses.
- Scientists have tracked the polar bear walking more than 20 miles per day for several days.
- The polar bear does not come out of their den in winter. They spend this time giving birth and caring for the newborns as they wait for the spring season.
- For 101 facts on wolverines, click here.
- Climate change affects polar bears significantly. The ocean temperature rises, causing the sea ice to melt, giving the bear insufficient time to hunt for seals from their ice platforms.
- Polar bears are affected as the sea ice melts. They have to swim further away from the shore to reach ice or face several days without food.
- The polar bear is the largest among the three bear species in North America.
- Polar bears are dangerous when they are hungry.
- Polar bears can be found in the Northern parts of Alaska, Canada, and Greenland.
- Polar bears have a hump on their shoulder like grizzly bears.
- For 101 facts on meerkats, click here.
- The polar bear diverged from a population of brown bears, which became isolated during glaciation in the Pleistocene from the east of Siberia.
- Polar bears are thought to exist only in low densities in the Arctic Basin.
- A polar bear hunter uses a team of dogs to distract the bear. This allows the hunter to spear the bear or shoot with arrows at a closer range.
- The hair of a polar bear is used to make trousers, and Nenets make galoshes.
- Today, some traditional hunting and trapping methods in North America are still used.
- The polar bear’s large canine teeth are valuable to the Inuit people as talismans.
- A polar bear’s liver is poisonous to eat as it contains a high concentration of Vitamin A
- For 101 facts on stoats, click here.
- Despite its low value, polar bear fur was commercially traded in the 14th century.
- The polar bear hunters of the 20th century used new machineries, such as snowmobiles, icebreakers, and airplanes, as well as traditional methods.
- In the 1960s, survival was threatened, and Canada began imposing hunting quotas in 1968.
- The United States of America implemented a marine mammal protection Act in 1972 to protect polar bears.
- Polar bears serve as an indicator of Arctic ecosystem health.
- The polar bear is studied to gain an understanding of the Arctic. The study of the polar bear often indicates that something is wrong with the Arctic marine ecosystem.
- They have been increasingly sighted ashore in large numbers, staying on the mainland for extended periods during the summer months, especially in Northern Canada.
- Polar bears are traveling farther inland in Canada, which has put a strain on nontraditional foods such as waterfowl and caribou.
- The number of polar bears has been predicted to diminish by two-thirds by 2050.
- The polar bear’s divergences from other species of bear took place 400,000-600,000 years ago and have since survived all climate fluctuations.
- Polar bears cannot completely offset the loss of calorie-rich seal blubber with terrestrial foods.
- For 101 facts on weasels, click here.
- Polar bears listed as an endangered species by conservation groups have ended the hunting opposition from Canada’s Inuit people.
- The polar population is stable today in contrast to the past 50 years when hunting of these mammals was much higher.
- The Inuit and Alaska natives have many folk tales regarding polar bears. There is a legend that bears were humans when inside their dens.
- Polar bears have been used on some famous icons, mainly in those areas where they are native.
- In Northwest Territories and Nunavut in Canada, the polar bear shape is used to make the vehicle’s number plates.
- One of the most famous companies in the world, Coca-Cola, has used the polar bear in its advertising.
- In many children’s storybooks, polar bears are central characters.
- The polar bear has also been used in animations such as Noah’s Island, where the polar bear named Noah is the main protagonist.
- The polar bear habitat has been significantly endangered by oil and gas development, which will likely affect the polar bear population in the future.
- Polar bears accumulate high levels of pollutants like polychlorinated biphenyl.
- The care and concern for polar bears led to a reduction in the usage of many chemicals.
- The severe problem of foraging by bears in garbage dumps has historically been more prevalent years.
- The current increase in global warming is one of the main threats to the existence of polar bears in the future.
- Climate change has affected the polar bear’s food source, leading to malnutrition and starvation due to habitat loss.
- The reduction of sea ice cover has led to many polar bears drowning while swimming long distances in search of food.
- The polar bear’s biggest threat is not from hunting but climate change.
- Polar bears are among mammals requiring new regulations to be implemented to secure their existence, as current laws are ineffective.
Bryan Harding is a member of the American Society of Mammalogists and a member of the American Birding Association. Bryan is especially fond of mammals and has studied and worked with them around the world. Bryan serves as owner, writer, and publisher of North American Nature.