The moose is the largest member of the deer family.
The name moose is common in North America; it comes from the word moosh.
The scientific name for the moose is Alces alces.
The moose is the tallest mammal in North America.
Moose are 1.4-2.1m (4.6.9-6.9ft) tall at the shoulder.
Adults are between 2.4-3.1m (10.17ft) long, including head and body.
Females weigh between 800 to 1,300 pounds, and males weigh 1,200 to 1,600 pounds.
The moose is one of the largest land mammals in North America.
Moose is famous for the different sizes and shapes of antlers.
The largest moose is the Alaskan moose, standing seven feet tall.
Moose have large antlers, but do you know why. Find out here
Moose can be identified by their long, rounded snouts, huge flattened antlers, humped back, thin legs, and massive bodies.
Moose are part of the deer family, including caribou, deer, moose, and wapiti.
The moose has long, thick, light to dark brown fur skin.
The front legs of a moose are longer than its back legs. This helps them more quickly jump over things lying in their path.
Moose have a hump on the back caused by massive shoulder muscles.
A moose has broad hooves that act like snowshoes, helping the moose walk in the snow.
A bull moose with a full spread of antlers is the most impressive animal in North America.
The moose is active during the day, especially in the morning and sunset.
Moose have short tails, with a hump on their shoulders and large ears that can rotate to give them a stereophonic hearing.
Moose can run at speeds up to 43 to 45 km/h.
Moose have very poor eyesight but good hearing and an excellent sense of smell.
In summer, moose like to live in the water for several hours daily, especially during the fly season.
They are excellent swimmers and can swim as fast as six miles an hour in the water.
They can dive more than 5 meters underwater when searching for food.
They have been known to swim distances up to 19 km.
The moose is usually peaceful but can become aggressive when in danger.
If you want to learn more about moose, I have written a complete guide here.
Moose lose their antlers once a year.
A grown-up male moose is called a bull.
A female moose is known as a cow.
A baby moose is known as a calf.
In summer, food is far more plentiful in North America. When the ice melts, moose are often seen in lakes, rivers, or wetlands, feeding on water plants at and below the surface.
Females give birth to one or two calves in the spring, weighing up to 30 pounds.
A newborn calf’s vocalization is a low grunt, but after a few days, the calf develops a loud wail that sounds almost human.
Moose only live in areas that have seasonal snow.
Moose cannot tolerate temperatures above 80 degrees.
Have you ever wondered how moose got their name? Find out in this article I wrote.
Moose are known as one of the least social animals.
Moose remain alone, except when it comes to mating.
During mating season, some leading male moose in Alaska will guide a group of females together to create a harem herd.
They spend most time finding new grazing spots, eating, and resting to let their food digest.
Moose tend to graze on leaves, bark, pine cones, twigs, and buds of trees and shrubs.
They have four-chambered stomachs, as do other ruminants such as cows.
Moose have long faces and a dewlap on their chins.
Moose live on land but will go into the water.
Moose use antlers only for fighting for a mate.
Around 50 percent of moose babies die due to bear or wolf attacks before six weeks old.
The worldwide moose population is estimated to be about 1.5 million and increasing.
Hundreds of moose are killed in Alaska every year, which has the highest rate of moose-vehicle collisions globally.
The plural of moose is moose, not Moses or meese.
The word moose comes from the native North American Algonquian Indian word meaning twig eater.
Alaskan moose have antlers that can span up to 6 feet.
Baby moose grow quickly, gaining 2.2 lbs. (1 kg) daily while nursing.
Adult moose have a high chance of survival due to their large size.
Moose’s hair is hollow. This type of fur helps to insulate the animal from the cold.
The flap of skin that hangs below a moose’s chin is called a bell or dewlap.
The largest-sized antlers are usually produced when bulls are 10 – 12 years old.
Moose eat only plants. They are herbivores.
Food is fermented in the stomach’s first chamber, and nutrients are extracted in the following three sections.
With their enormous physical power and energy, they can travel over almost any land.
With the help of their long legs, they easily travel over dead trees or through snow that would stop a deer or wolf.
Before bedding down, a moose travels upwind for a time and then swings back in a limited circle.
Moose are found in open meadows and ponds during summer, feeding on aquatic plants.
Moose have no upper front teeth.
Moose have to drink large quantities of water during warm weather.
In late August or early September, moose begin changing their diet to include willow, aspen, poplar, and birch.
In the early winter, they can be found near their rutting areas feeding on low shrubs such as diamond-leaf willow, which become snow-covered later in the winter.
Their diet returns to leaves and herbaceous plants as soon as they become available in the spring.
The young calves are born tan in color.
Moose are remarkable in appearance because of their towering size, dark color, long legs, pendulous hush, and floppy hairy dewlap.
The moose is a browser of food.
The female gives birth during the spring or summer.
Within their first day of life, baby calves can stand up independently.
Calves are weaned after about six months and stay with their mother until the next young are born.
Mothers are very protective of their babies.
The early months of a young moose’s life are the most dangerous. Wolves and bears are natural predators and a threat to calves.
The male moose has huge broad, flat antlers that can stretch 4 to 5 feet across.
Antlers start to grow in the early summer.
Antlers are covered with soft hairy skin called velvet when they start to grow.
Alaska has the largest moose in the world.
Every winter, moose drop their antlers and grow a new pair in the spring.
Paddles are only found on male moose and are used mainly for fighting and display.
Antlers are also a great sign of age. Each winter, young moose paddles grow in size: nubs become points, and points become full racks.
Just like the moose themselves, antlers come in different sizes.
A full-grown moose’s antlers can weigh about 40 pounds.
On average, moose live 10 to 15 years in the wild.
Moose are considered fully mature at 4 to 5 years of age.
The moose population in North America is estimated to be fewer than 1.5 million, with up to 200,000 estimated to live in Alaska.
Moose must eat almost 10,000 calories per day to maintain their body weight.
Because their heavy bodies are suspended by their spindly legs, moose are especially dangerous when hit by passenger cars. If you are driving in an area where moose are plentiful, use caution, and pay attention at all times.
Moose eat aquatic plants to get enough sodium in their diet.
One theory of why moose lose their antlers is that it makes it easier for bulls to scavenge in the winter when food is not as abundant.
Moose are usually calm when it comes to humans; however, hormones may cause the bull to become aggressive during mating season.
The nostrils of a moose are skilled at closing when the head is immersed in water.
Cold winter months are the most difficult for moose, primarily due to a significant decrease in available food.
In cold winter seasons, moose rely on a diet with lower nutritional value.
Moose are the most hunted big game animal in the state of Alaska.
Each year, about 7,000 moose are harvested in Alaska alone.
Bryan Harding is a member of the American Society of Mammalogists and a member of the American Birding Association. Bryan is especially fond of mammals and has studied and worked with them around the world. Bryan serves as owner, writer, and publisher of North American Nature.