The International Union for Conservation of Nature’s Red List of Threatened Species has a list of all endangered mammals in North America.
The IUCN states, “A taxon is Endangered (EN) when the best available evidence indicates that it meets any of the criteria A to E for Endangered, and it is therefore considered to be facing a very high risk of extinction in the wild.”
There are currently twenty species of mammals in North America listed by the IUCN as endangered.
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Black-footed Ferret
The black-footed ferret is also referred to as the American polecat or prairie dog hunter. They are a mustelid species native to North America and listed as endangered animals.
They were previously considered extinct, but a captive-breeding program successfully reintroduced this species to their native habitat.
Their body length is between 500 to 533 mm with a tail of 114 to 127 mm, and they weigh between 650 to 1400 grams.
They have slender and long bodies with black feet, ears, tails, and part of their faces. Their neck is long, and they have stout, short legs.
Their pelage is yellowish-blond. The black-footed ferret is nocturnal and solitary. They feed mainly on prairie dogs, which they hunt in their burrows.
Have you wondered if you should feed badgers in your garden? Find out in this article I wrote.

Blue Whale
The blue whale is the largest living animal on Earth, not just now but throughout history.
This whale species reaches sizes between 69-95 ft (21-29m), although they are slightly smaller in the Northern Hemisphere. Females are larger than males and can reach incredible weights of 90-150 tons.
The diet of a blue whale consists mainly of krill, with some crab and squid. They are easy to spot because of their vast size and are distinguished by their flattened, broad, u-shaped head. Even though they are so large, they have a tiny dorsal fin set far back.
Eastern Small-footed Myotis
The Eastern small-footed bat is a nocturnal mammal found in the eastern United States and southeastern Canada.
Their face, ears, and wings are black, and the rest of the body is grayish brown. They measure from 6.5 to 9.5 cm, with a wingspan ranging from 21 to 25 cm, and weigh from 4 to 8 g.
The Eastern small-footed bat is an insectivore eating beetles, moths, mosquitoes, and flies.
They live in forests with caves and rock formations adequate for roosting. Their lifespan is 6 to 12 years in the wild, hibernating in winter.
Mammals use their tails in many ways. Please find out more in this article I wrote.

European Rabbit
The European rabbit is a small rabbit measuring 40 cm in length with a 2.6-4.4 lb weight. Their ears are large, measuring between 6.5-7.5 cm in length.
The European rabbit comes in various colors but is generally grayish-brown with black, gray, or red hairs on the body.
They are born with a white star shape on their foreheads, but this fades by adulthood. They live in warrens with up to ten other rabbits.
Giant Kangaroo Rat
The giant kangaroo rat is typical of California and can now be found only in some isolated regions around the Joaquin Valley. They have been listed as an endangered species. Their primary food source is seeds and grass.
Kangaroo rats communicate with each other using foot thumping signals that can serve as both a warning and for communication of territorial and mating status.
In terms of dimensions, they usually measure around 15 centimeters, with 110 grams on average.
Greater Long-nosed Bat
The greater long-nosed bat is also known as the Mexican long-nosed bat. Their population is decreasing due to agriculture, aquaculture, human intrusion, and disturbance.
They are large compared to most other species of bat, measuring up to 10cm in length. They can be dark gray or brown. Their name comes from their long muzzle with nose leaf. They have a tongue that is 8 cm long, which they use to feed on nectar from flowers.
They are mainly found in Texas and Mexico, where they move from central Mexico in the summer. In winter, they move back to warmer climates.
Greater long-nosed bats can be seen in large colonies exiting caves in Texas.
If you want to know why mammals have tails (and we don’t), then click here

Hawaiian Monk Seal
The Hawaiian monk seal is a species of earless seal native to Hawaii. They are listed as an endangered species threatened by human encroachment, entanglement in fishing nets, and past commercial hunting for their skins.
A gray coat, a slender physique, and a white belly characterize them. Hawaiian monk seals measure, on average, 2.1 meters in body length, and their body weighs 140 to 180 kilograms.
They shed hair and the outer layer of their skin during an annual molt. They commonly feed on fish, lobster, octopus, and squid in deep-water coral beds. These seals can be found mainly in the Northwest Hawaiian Islands.
They spend two-thirds of their time in the water. They prefer to lounge on volcanic rocks and corals. There are many protection programs set to save this endangered species.
Hog Deer
Hog deer can be found throughout India and Southeast Asia but were introduced to the United States. They can be found in Texas, Florida, and Hawaii.
Hog deer live in forests, clearings, and grasslands. They are named due to their running style. Instead of jumping over objects, hog deer will lower their head and run under things where possible, much like a hog would.
They are stocky and muscular, with longer hindlimbs than forelimbs. The face of the hog deer is wedge shapes and short. They have large ears for their head size.
They are olive brown with white tips to their hair. They weigh up to 50kg and have a length of 135cm.

Little Brown Bat
The little brown bat is a small North American bat. Their colors vary from light tan to dark brown, with more golden color on their underbody. The little brown bat measures 8 to 9.5 cm and weighs 5.5 to 12.5g.
This insectivore eats mosquitoes, moths, and beetles. The little brown bats live in most of North America.
Why do rats have long tails? Find out here
They will find places to roost during the day, such as trees, caves, and rocks. In winter, this bat hibernates in caves. Their lifespan is from 6 to 7 years.
Manzano Mountain Cottontail
The Manzano Mountain cottontail can be found in New Mexico in the Manzano Mountains. They can be found at high elevations of 3,100 meters in forests.
It is unknown how many of these species still exist, but they can be found in two groups in the Manzano Mountains.
Nelson’s Antelope Squirrel
Nelson’s antelope squirrel is also known as the San Joaquin antelope squirrel. They are endemic to the San Joaquin Valley in California.
Today, its habitat has been reduced, resulting in this species’ endangerment, which has experienced a drastic reduction in population numbers. Poisons have also contributed to making this species listed as endangered.
The fur of this squirrel is yellowish, with a white belly and stripes on its body’s side. This species’ average total body length is around 22 to 23 cm, and the average weight is approximately 25 grams.

North Atlantic Right Whale
The North Atlantic right whale is a large whale measuring 49-52 ft (15-16m) and weighing between 34-78 tons. Females grow larger than males.
North Atlantic right whales live mainly on krill and copepods. They are slow swimmers but can be acrobatic. Their behavior includes lobtails, flipper-slaps, and frequent breaches.
The North Atlantic right whale is very curious and approaches boats. Their name comes from whalers who thought they were the right whale to catch due to their curiosity.
They have a single calf after 12-13 months of gestation. They have no dorsal fin, a dark body, and a large head covered in rough skin patches.
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North Pacific Right Whale
The North Pacific right whale measures between 49-65 ft (15-17m) with a weight of 34-90 tons.
Females grow larger than males, and both genders are almost identical in appearance to the North Atlantic right whale, although they can develop a little larger.
They are one of the most critically endangered whale species, with an estimated population of 400-500 today.
Northern Idaho Ground Squirrel
The Northern Idaho ground squirrel can be found in Valley and Adams Counties in Idaho at 2290 meters.
The IUCN critically endangers them due to poisoning, hunting, and trapping.
They grow up to 26cm in length with a weight of almost 300 grams. The Northern Idaho ground squirrel hibernates for up to eight months of the year.
Palmer’s Chipmunk
Palmer’s chipmunks can be found among temperate forests of pinyon and juniper. They can be spotted in the Spring Mountains of Clark County, Nevada. They are located at an elevation of 3,000 meters above sea level.
They are endangered on the IUCN red list due to residential and commercial developments and human intrusion, leading to habitat loss. Their population is decreasing.
Their body length ranges up to 22cm with a tail of 10cm. They have solid black and white dorsal stripes with a tan side.
They can be seen in the winter running on top of snow but have burrows where they retreat.
Want to know which mammals live in North America? Click here to find out
Pribilof Island Shrew
The Pribilof Island Shrew is an endangered species of shrew. They face extinction from livestock farming and ranching.
They can be found on Saint Paul Island in the Pribilof Islands, where they can be found along coastal regions.
Salt-marsh Harvest Mouse
Due to its coloring, the salt-marsh harvest mouse is also known as the red-bellied harvest mouse. They live in the San Francisco Bay Area and can be found in areas with vegetation.
Pollution and development of the area have caused the salt-marsh harvest mouse to become endangered. There are two subspecies, but both have been classed as endangered.
They are approximately 7cm long, with a tail of up to 10cm. They weigh up to 20g.
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Sea Otter
The sea otter is a mammal on the northern and eastern North Pacific Ocean coasts. They usually weigh between 14 and 45 kilograms and are about 1.2 to 1.5 meters in total body length.
They are considered the largest members of the weasel family but are among the smallest marine mammals.
Their primary form of insulation is a thick coat of fur, and they can live exclusively in the ocean. They feed primarily on marine invertebrates such as urchins, mollusks, crustaceans, and fish species.
In the past, sea otters were hunted extensively for their fur, significantly decreasing their population. However, conservation efforts and reintroduction programs have successfully re-establish sea otters’ presence in their natural habitat. They are still listed as endangered species.
Their pelage is usually brown. Diurnal animals tend to rest together in single-sex groups called rafts. A raft might contain from 10 to 100 individuals. Male rafts are generally bigger than female ones.
They can be found in areas protected from the most severe ocean winds, such as rocky coastlines and barrier reefs.
Sei Whale
The sei whale is a large marine mammal, measuring 39-52 ft (12-18m) and weighing between 17-45 tons. The females are larger than the males.
There are no commercial whale-watching operations anywhere dedicated to watching this species of whale. They do not gather in the same areas from one season to the next as most whales do, making them elusive.
They have a more varied diet than most other baleen whales. Their diet includes krill, copepods, crustaceans, and schooling fish. They are primarily dark gray or brown, with a prominent dorsal fin.
Utah Prairie Dog
The Utah prairie dog weighs 30 to 36 cm in body length and 1,400 grams. The Utah prairie dog is a member of the squirrel family native to the central steppes of Utah.
They have multicolored fur consisting of black, light brown, and dark brown shades. Males are generally bigger than females.
The Utah prairie dogs construct burrows to protect themselves from predators and external temperatures. They are herbivores, but occasionally, they can feed on insects.
Prairie dogs kiss each other when meeting. Find out why in this article I wrote.
Bryan Harding is a member of the American Society of Mammalogists and a member of the American Birding Association. Bryan is especially fond of mammals and has studied and worked with them around the world. Bryan serves as owner, writer, and publisher of North American Nature.