Killer whales, or orcas, as they are commonly known, can be seen in many places in North America. However, killer whales are dolphins. This guide shows you the best places to see these fantastic animals in their natural habitats.
There are many places to watch killer whales in North America. From Vancouver Island to Monterey Bay in California, killer whales can be seen along the West Coast.
If you want to know the best places and times to see killer whales, this guide will help you watch some of the most beautiful and graceful animals in the oceans.
Where Can You Watch Killer Whales in North America
San Juan Islands
The San Juan Islands is one of the most spectacular places in North America to see killer whales. The waters surrounding the islands are home to a group of orcas called the Southern Resident killer whales.
The Southern Resident killer whales comprise seventy-eight whales in three pods. They can be seen in the area in summer and fall.
This group stays in the area for the fish. Specifically, the chinook salmon runs. The Southern Residents feed almost anywhere around the San Juan Islands.
If you plan to visit the San Juan Islands, the perfect time to watch the Southern Resident killer whales is from late May to the middle of October.
There are many different whale-watching tour operators around the San Juan Islands.
Once you arrive in the San Juan Islands, you will find many different whale-watching cruise trips. If you want an almost guaranteed sighting of killer whales, then one of these boats is essential to see them.
Remember that the small boats will get you to see the killer whales much quicker than some of the bigger boats. However, although the larger ships are slower, they offer better refuge during bad weather.
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If you are adventurous, a fun activity with your family can be to go kayaking to watch some whales from the water.
If you do not want to go on a whale-watching boat, there are plenty of places on land where you may spot one of the many whales around the Islands.
One of the great places to see killer whales from the shore is Lime Kiln Point, State Park. The killer whales often come near the island’s west side, making it the best place to watch these fantastic whales. Lime Kiln Point is also known as Whale Watch Park.
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Vancouver Island
The best season to see some killer whales in the southern Georgia Strait between the mainland and Vancouver Island is during the summer.
Although killer whale sightings are not as frequent as other whale and dolphin sightings around Vancouver Island, they can be seen year-round.
Killer whales can sometimes be seen around Swiftsure Bank, Barkley Sound, Pacific Rim National Park Reserve, and Clayoquot Sound.
You may leave Tofino, Sooke, Victoria, or Sidney for a whale-watching tour. The Broughton Archipelago and the Johnstone Strait off the island’s northeast coast also have some resident orcas, with approximately 250 living there.
Most whale-watching boats and kayaking trips leave Alert Bay, Port McNeill, and Telegraph Cove.
Monterey Bay
Monterey Bay is one of the best whale-watching places in North America and, in my opinion, the world. In Monterey Bay, you may get a spectacular sighting of the local orcas in a boat.
As great as Monterey Bay is for whale watching, seeing killer whales is a bit hit-and-miss. Although many people see them, and many whale-watching trips promise them, sightings are pretty sporadic. Whereas some other whales can be seen daily, catching a killer whale in Monterey Bay is left to chance.
Whales have excellent senses. Find out more here.

There are plenty of killer whales in Monterey Bay, with three sets. There are offshore killer whales, resident killer whales, and transients, also known as Bigg’s killer whales.
Bigg’s killer whales travel between Alaska, the San Juan Islands, and Southern California. The best time to see them is mid-April to mid-May, but they may be elsewhere, even in those months.
Monterey Bay is also home to some aggressive orcas. Between the middle of April and the center of May, orcas may ambush and kill some gray whale calves migrating to their feeding grounds in Alaska. Although not a pleasant sight, it is something you will remember forever. The hunting of the gray whales is what draws the transient orcas to the area.
The offshore killer whales can be seen in the later months of winter. They can be found in groups of up to one hundred, but their sightings are rare.
The third group is the resident killer whales. These swim down from the San Juan Islands in the winter to feed. With fewer salmon in Washington State, they are forced to come down to Monterey Bay to feed on fish and squid.
If you are lucky enough to see some orca “dive-bys,” you will be amazed at these beautiful, graceful creatures.
I would highly recommend those who plan to go here bring along their camera to get the perfect shots of these marine mammals.
Recording the perfect video of these killer whales is a great way to experience the beauty of these creatures in the oceans. Whether you take photos or videos, don’t forget to look at them with your own eyes. Although they look fabulous on a screen, they look much better through your eyes.
Southern California
Watching killer whales in Southern California is often tied to the gray whales’ yearly migrations between Alaska and Mexico. However, you may still see some killer whales along the coast.
A marine mammal researcher, Alisa Schulman-Janiger, who leads the American Cetacean Society, has sighted killer whales in the area. According to Alisa, the sightings of killer whales in Southern California are not as common as in Monterey Bay.
Killer whales can be seen in the Santa Barbara Channel, where they feed on migrating gray whales. The gray whales migrate in this area around winter and spring when you can see killer whales.
Many whales can be seen around San Francisco but are generally further away from shore than in other places in California.
December and January are the best time to see killer whales in Southern California’s warm waters.
What are the Best Months to Watch Killer Whales?
The best months of the year to get some great sightings of killer whales to depend on the location you choose to go to.
If you choose to go to the San Juan Islands in Washington to do some whale watching, the best months of the year are from late May to October.
However, if you watch killer whales on Vancouver Island, the recommended time to visit there is during the summer. Each place has its perfect time, so it depends on the site you want to see.
The perfect time to see the Southern Residents is from May to October because this is when they come to feed on salmon that will be migrating from the Strait of Georgia to the Gulf Islands. There is a high possibility that you will see some orcas during this time.
The Northern Residents are more often spotted during the late summer months of August and July as they feed in the Johnstone Strait area.
Many whale species can be spotted throughout the Gulf and the San Juan Islands, but whales and dolphins do not stay in one place the whole year.
Whales often swim close to the shore. Find out why here

Killer whales migrate to other places due to the changes in the water temperature and the level of food in a particular area.
Do Weather Conditions Affect the Possibility Of Seeing Killer Whales?
The weather dramatically impacts and therefore affects your chance of seeing one. However, killer whales are marine mammals, so they need to come to the surface for oxygen.
The best time to go out on a whale-watching trip is on a calm day with little wind. Not only will you not have to cope with rough seas, but killer whales are easier to spot in clear waters.
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Try to pick a day where the sky is clear with no fog.
What Types of Whales Can I Expect to See?
There are various whales on the west coast of North America that you may see, such as orcas, humpbacks, minke whales, gray whales, and many other marine mammals.
Each of these whales can be spotted in the sea at different times of the year. However, the whale-watching season is often assumed to start in early March to October.
Bernhard Grzimek, Schlager, N., Olendorf, D. and American (2003). Grzimek’s animal life encyclopedia. Detroit: Gale.
Carwardine, M. (2010). Whales, dolphins, and porpoises. London: Dorling Kindersley.
Carwardine, M. (2017). Mark Carwardine’s guide to whale watching in North America : USA, Canada, Mexico, where to go, what to see. London: Bloomsbury.
Hadoram Shirihai, Jarrett, B., Graeme Cresswell, and Kirwan, G.M. (2019). Whales, dolphins, and seals : a field guide to the marine mammals of the world. London: Bloomsbury Wildlife.
Martin, T. (1990). The illustrated encyclopedia of whales and dolphins. Hodder.
Nowak, R.M. and Walker, E.P. (1991). Walker’s mammals of the world. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press.
Perrin, W.F., Würsig, B.G. and J G M Thewissen (2002). Encyclopedia of marine mammals. San Diego: Academic Press.
Richard John Harrison and Bryden, M.M. (1990). Whales, dolphins, and porpoises. London: Merehurst.
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Wilson, D.E. (1999). The Smithsonian book of North American mammals. Washington: Smithsonian Inst. Press.
May, J. (1990). The Greenpeace book of dolphins. London: Century.
Bryan Harding is a member of the American Society of Mammalogists and a member of the American Birding Association. Bryan is especially fond of mammals and has studied and worked with them around the world. Bryan serves as owner, writer, and publisher of North American Nature.