Squirrels are known for their long lifespans, some even live up to twenty years in captivity. For such a small animal, this is quite remarkable.
Squirrels can live for up to about 10 years in the wild but 20 years in captivity. Many are preyed upon by snakes, foxes, wolves, and other predators. Environmental factors also play a role, with pollution, storms, and climate change affecting their lifespan. Squirrels also suffer from diseases including Tularemia, Squirrel pox virus, and Mycobacteriosis.
In this article, we dive into how long they can live while taking a closer look at the signs that affect their longevity. From common ailments to predatory threats, learn what impacts these furry critters’ lifespans so you can best appreciate them in your backyards.

How Long Is The Average Life Span Of A Squirrel?
Some squirrel species can survive for quite a while in the wild, usually achieving between five and ten years in the wild.
Squirrels in captivity live longer when compared to their wild counterparts. Squirrel owners have had squirrels live as long as twenty years, almost double the maximum lifespan enjoyed in a natural environment.
Squirrels living in areas with extreme temperatures, frequent predators, or limited food sources may have significantly shorter life expectancies.
Different species of squirrels have life expectancies depending on their environment, availability of sustenance, and protection.
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How Long Do Different Species Live?
The lifespan of a squirrel depends on many factors, but different species have an average lifespan.
Red Squirrels
Red squirrels often face a high mortality rate in the wild, with only 25 percent making it longer than one year. However, they are one of the longest-living squirrels, living up to 10 years in the wild and up to 20 years in captivity.
Eastern Fox Squirrel
Eastern fox squirrels have a relatively short lifespan in the wild, with females typically achieving an average of 13 years and males achieving 8, emphasizing their vulnerability to mortality. Though individuals can reach 18 years old in captivity, most do not live beyond maturity.
Southern Flying Squirrel
In the wild, they typically survive between 3 and 5 years of age. This is shorter than non-flying squirrels, but they can live up to 10 years in captivity.
Eastern Gray Squirrel
Eastern grey squirrels can live to between 10-12 in the wild, although up to a quarter don’t make it to maturity. In captivity, they can live up to 20 years.
Natural Predators Of Squirrels
Squirrels face formidable opponents in their natural habitat, such as hawks and snakes, that can end their life quickly.
The red fox is the most prolific predator of squirrels. Known to hunt alone, they feed on small mammals, particularly rodents, including squirrels, and lagomorphs including rabbits and hares. In urban areas these groups typically account for about 50% of the diet.
Birds of prey, like hawks, owls, and eagles, are highly skilled predators. With their keen vision and powerful claws, they can quickly spot a squirrel in an instant before it has the chance to flee.
Larger mammals like coyotes, bobcats, and cats pose a serious threat to squirrels. Combined with their hunting skills, these can quickly end a squirrel’s life.
Snakes are formidable in the ecosystem, combining impressive speed and agility to catch their prey. From black rat snakes to copperheads, their swift strikes can make a squirrel unlucky to cross paths with them an easy meal.
With their relatively long life expectancy, squirrels are common in many backyards. However, there is still an array of predators that pose a threat to the species. Understanding and being aware of these risks is essential to ensure they remain safe from harm.
How Do Humans Impact The Lifespan Of Squirrels?
Humans serve as a strong external factor on the population levels of squirrels, often having an effect that surpasses those of their natural predators. From urban development to climate change, humans can drastically reduce or even eliminate suitable habitats for these small rodents, significantly influencing their lifespans and populations.
Hunting has been a part of human life for centuries, yet excessive hunting can be detrimental to the squirrel population. Not only would their numbers likely decline drastically in a given area due to methods like overhunting, but this could also affect the natural balance and resources available, causing an increased risk of starvation and predation. All these factors combined have significant potential implications for reducing the overall lifespan of many species of squirrels within any region.
Human encroachment on squirrel habitats can have a tremendous impact on their lifespans. With diminishing food sources, heightened exposure to predators, and reduced safe places to hide, this habitat destruction cuts short their lives.
Humans often unknowingly play a role in shortening the lifespans of squirrels. Several indirect impacts can occur, such as contact with infected animals and the introduction of new species carrying viruses to an unprotected environment. These factors disturb natural cycles and cause sicknesses that significantly reduce these wild creatures’ lifespans.
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Habitats And Environmental Factors That Influence Squirrel Lifespan
A squirrel’s habitat can be its savior regarding their lifespan, an important factor that will have a major impact on how long they live. By finding the right environment, squirrels usually survive longer.
When squirrels have the essential elements of food, shelter, and protection from predators in an environment suitable to their needs, they stand a better chance at leading long and fulfilling lives.
Environmental conditions can have a significant impact on the longevity of squirrels. For example, an area’s extreme weather or natural disasters could significantly reduce its life span. Pollution and other environmental hazards also endanger the health of squirrels, shortening their lives prematurely.
Human action has a direct influence on the longevity of squirrels. Our carelessness with food sources and pollution damage can reduce their lifespan, highlighting our need for greater environmental consideration.
Common Diseases Of Squirrels
Squirrels are prone to various illnesses that can drastically reduce their length and quality of life. Common diseases plaguing these small mammals include:
- Tularemia, an infectious disease caused by a bacteria known as Francisella tularensis, can lead to many troubling symptoms, such as fever, loss of appetite, and heightened fatigue.
- Squirrel pox virus is a contagious disease that can be spread through direct contact with an infected squirrel or exposure to its contaminated environment. Symptoms include skin lesions and breathing difficulty, often requiring medical attention.
- Mycobacteriosis is an insidious bacterial infection that can wreak havoc on the body’s organs and nervous system. Its effects may be visible in symptoms such as weight loss, decreased appetite, or even paralysis.
Wild squirrels may appear cute and friendly, but don’t be deceived. They can spread a host of serious diseases if not handled with caution. Always take necessary precautions to avoid contact with an infected animal, should you suspect one is in your vicinity, immediately seek help from local wildlife professionals or veterinarians for the best treatment possible.
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How Diet Affects A Squirrel’s Lifespan
A squirrel’s health and life expectancy can be greatly impacted by its diet. Keeping a balanced nutritional intake helps ensure a longer lifespan.
In the face of a range of potential environmental factors, such as climate shifts or disease outbreaks, they have access to diverse food sources rich in vitamins and minerals.
Wild squirrels must be careful when avoiding spoiled or contaminated meals, reducing their risk of developing severe health complications.
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Breeding Habits And Their Impact On Lifespan
Squirrels demonstrate adaptive breeding habits that influence their lifespans. Every spring, female squirrels partner with a male in preparation for the upcoming litter. They then take extra care to build multiple nests and gather materials throughout summertime to provide sustenance for their brood’s arrival.
During this special time of year, the female squirrel diligently collects twigs and moss to construct a comfortable abode for her young. Simultaneously, the male squirrel finds food to provide for his family.
As temperatures drop, the female is busy preparing for her offspring. After giving birth to a litter of young, she looks after them while teaching them valuable survival skills, from searching for food sources and recognizing potential predators. The female shows fantastic dedication in ensuring their safety.
The breeding habits of squirrels significantly influence their life expectancy. By passing down her wisdom and experience to the young, a female squirrel’s ability to successfully breed can result in increased longevity for herself and her offspring.
Male squirrels have been observed providing much-needed sustenance and resources; this proves effective in ensuring survival, particularly among those with larger litters, while also resulting in improved lifespans across generations.
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The Role Of Genetics In Determining A Squirrel’s Lifespan
When it comes to determining how long a squirrel can live, genetics plays an important role. The strength and composition of their genetic makeup can affect their lifespan, just like it does with humans. While the exact genes involved are still being studied, experts agree that having strong genes can be a powerful tool in helping a squirrel live a long and healthy life.
Through the process of natural selection, squirrels have developed a variety of adaptive skills that ensure longevity and resilience. By inheriting modified genetic traits from their ancestors over generations, they become more adept at surviving in an ever-changing environment, giving them a head start on finding success within nature’s boundaries.

Common Causes Of Death In Squirrels
Nature has a remarkable way of providing animals with the tools to survive, but sometimes external factors can reduce their odds of success. Genetics is certainly influential in squirrels. However, environmental elements may play an even more significant role in determining how long they live.
Common causes include predation and disease – both of which have proven capable of drastically cutting life short if left unchecked!
- Squirrels are a tasty treat for many creatures, from the predatory power of hawks and foxes to the stealthy agility of coyotes and cats.
- Squirrels, like other animals, are vulnerable to dangerous and potentially fatal diseases such as rabies, distemper, and mange. We need to be aware of the symptoms that can accompany these illnesses to protect our wildlife population from disease-related harm.
- Squirrels are often encountered with unfortunate consequences due to various conditions, such as being struck on the roads or tumbling from tall heights. To protect these beloved critters and help ensure their safety in our communities, we encourage everyone to stay alert for any crossing your path.
- Human interaction has often proven problematic for squirrels, sometimes leading to deadly outcomes. Sadly, the destruction of their habitat and hunting practices have had devastating consequences on these beloved creatures.
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Squirrels are extraordinary creatures with remarkable lifespans of up to 10 years in the wild. Unfortunately, their lives can be shortened due to hazardous conditions and predatory threats. Humans need to secure a safe habitat and institute protective measures against potential harm to guarantee that these animals thrive within our environment.
Under ideal conditions, squirrels enjoy double the lifespan in captivity compared to their life expectancy in nature. Squirrels are resilient creatures, capable of living up to 10 years in the wild or 20 years when cared for properly.
References and Further Reading
FLYGER, V., AND J. E. GATES. 1982. Fox and gray squirrels. Pp, 209-229 in Wild mammals of North America (J. A. Chapman and G. A. Feldhamer, eds.). Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, 1147 pp.
HORWICH R. H. 1972. The ontogeny of social behavior in the gray squirrel (Sciurus carolinensis). Advances in Ethology, 8:1-103.
BROWN, B. W., AND G. O. BATZLI. 1984. Habitat selection by fox and gray squirrels: a multivariate analysis. The Journal of Wildlife Management, 48:616-621.
Squirrels: The Animal Answer Guide by Richard Thomas
The Biology of the Squirrels by John L. Koprowski
Squirrels: A Wildlife Handbook by Kim Long
Squirrels of North America: Classification and Distribution by Richard Thomas, et al
Squirrels: A natural history By Richard Thomas
Bryan Harding is a member of the American Society of Mammalogists and a member of the American Birding Association. Bryan is especially fond of mammals and has studied and worked with them around the world. Bryan serves as owner, writer, and publisher of North American Nature.