Moles are commonly found in pastures and grasslands, evidenced by the number of molehills on top of the ground. They can also be found in forests and deciduous woods.
They live in a network of tunnels, which other generations can use over the years. Some mole tunnels have been in use for over 20 years. Moles feed on worms that fall inside the tunnels.
Please read on if you want to know more about how moles live underground.
Finding Food
Moles have a territory of approximately 550 sq yards. This territory contains all of the tunnels, but the length of the caves varies depending on the soil type. The tunnels may be shorter if the soil has a plentiful supply of insects and worms.
The tunnels act as a trap for many worms and insects. As they fall into the tunnels, the mole runs up and down, picking up the food.
Worms are one of the most important food sources for a mole, but they will also eat many other insects and small invertebrates.
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Mole tunnels in woodland are generally the shortest but most permanent of all territories. This is due to the abundance of food in the area, as there are few disturbances and plenty of plants to support nutrition. There usually are six or fewer territories in woodland areas, each supporting one mole. In a forest area with six parts, three tons of worms may help them.
Moles can also be found in sandy soils, but a more extended tunnel system is needed here. As there is not as much food in sandy soils, the tunnels are longer to allow more insects and worms to drop down into the tunnels.
Moles are solitary animals and live their lives in their territory. However, they also have a communal tunnel leading to many parts. When a mole leaves a region, another may use the joint tunnel to take over the new position.
Moles also have at least one nest that is connected to the tunnels. The nest is rugby-ball-shaped and about 8 inches long. The nest is made of dried grass or leaves, which they get from the surface.
The dry weather can also affect moles, as there is less food in the tunnels, making the mole seek out prey elsewhere. Moles come out of their tunnels using the nest more often than thought but are extremely stealthy when above ground.
Moles will not stay above the ground for long, returning to its nest and tunnels.
If moles cannot find enough food, particularly in summer, they may abandon their nest and move to another territory a few hundred meters away.
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Moles are not social and can be aggressive when facing another mole, even a female. However, in spring, they are social when finding a mate. In February, the male will leave his tunnels to find a female. The male will enter their burrow, where they are often chased out.
However, if the female is receptive, they may accept each other briefly and not fight. They stay together for a few hours before the male leaves and returns to their nest and tunnels. Most females will become pregnant by spring.
Early Life
Moles are born naked and helpless. The pink babies are suckled for four weeks by their mother. During this time, they increase, growing to half their adult size and developing fur.
They eat chewed-up worms that are brought to them by their mother. They will start to explore the caves near the nest. They are almost ready to leave their mother at about six weeks, and their aggressive instincts kick in. Once the mother has enough of them, they will be expelled from the tunnels.
Young moles spend a lot of time moving above ground, trying to find a new territory. Many are preyed upon by birds, especially owls and other birds of prey.
If they are lucky, they may be able to find an empty burrow, but they will have to dig their own if not.
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Are Moles Blind?
Moles are not blind but colorblind and do not see well. Their eyes are fully formed with a lens, iris, and retina, but the optic nerve only has a small number of nerve fibers leaving it poorly developed.
Moles make up for their poor eyesight using other senses, allowing them to live in harsh conditions with success. Their hearing is also not great, but their keen sense of smell can detect food, such as earthworms, within a few inches.
Moles have hairs on their nose and their body that are very sensitive. They also have thousands of tiny papillae and raised bumps on their snout. The papillae are filled with nerve endings known as Eimer’s organs. The sensors detect air movement and vibrations, allowing the mole to move around inside its tunnels at almost three miles an hour.
8 Hour Day
Moles are unique in that they fit three of their days into one of ours. They spend about four hours sleeping in their nest before moving about their burrow for the next four hours. They then do this again, effectively having an eight-hour day.
How active a mole is will depend on its food supply. If they find food quickly, feeding on a few worms, they do not need to find more food. If food is bountiful, they will bite the heads of the worms to stop them from getting away, stacking them in a larder tunnel off the side of their burrow.
If they do not find enough food and have not had enough food, they will still sleep after four hours to not waste energy. However, if this occurs a few times and the mole is not getting enough food, it will dig further tunnels or lengths of the burrow to find more food. If the tunnels are horrible, they may move to another location.
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Bryan Harding is a member of the American Society of Mammalogists and a member of the American Birding Association. Bryan is especially fond of mammals and has studied and worked with them around the world. Bryan serves as owner, writer, and publisher of North American Nature.