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What Wildlife Lives In Tree Holes?

What Wildlife Lives In Tree Holes?

Walking through the woods the other day, I was surprised at how many trees had holes. Some of them had birds flitting in and out of them, and I could see plenty of insects around them. The holes in trees are home to many bird species, including doves, starlings, owls,...
Why Do Flowers Smell?

Why Do Flowers Smell?

While walking the other day, I was overcome by the smell of giant hogweed and was surprised at how many flies were flying around it. This made me wonder why they were attracted to the scent. Flowers use a combination of chemicals to emit a smell. Some flowers attract...
Why Do Plants Have Thorns?

Why Do Plants Have Thorns?

If you have ever felt the spiky thorn of cactus or a hawthorn, then you know these can be very sharp and painful. In this article, I wanted to give a quick overview of the reasons that plants have thorns. Plants with thorns are an excellent deterrent to any animal...